I am very excited as today marks the beginning of Persephone Reading Week, co-hosted by Verity at The B Files and Claire at Paperback Reader.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I have three new Persephones to see me through the week, although sadly I'm not sure if my schedule will allow me to enjoy all three of them by the 9th of May. I currently have Miss Buncle's Book by D. E. Stevenson tucked into my bag to read over lunch or in other spare moments, and I hope to get on to at least one of my other two choices (To Bed With Grand Music and Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary) before the week is out. Miss Buncle's Book is the first D. E. Stevenson I've read, and if the first few chapters are anything to go by, it certainly won't be my last, as I'm loving it so far. The endpapers, based on a 1934 design by Vanessa Bell, are also charming:

I can't wait to check out posts by all the other people taking part in Persephone Reading Week, even if my wish list is likely to rocket sky high afterwards! Although I now have to get back to Sir W and his contemporaries, I am looking forward to returning to Silverstream and its inhabitants before long. I am already certain that -- in the words of Sir W in his 1600 essay 'Of Advise' -- Miss Buncle's Book will turn out to be (like so many Persephones),
'a sweete meditation, that may be often read ouer without tediousnesse'.
Miss Buncle's book is definitely one of my favourites!
Oh good! I can't wait to read it properly!
Yes, one's wishlist is added to exponentially during Persephone Reading Week!
Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary is one of my favourites and I am hoping to read To Bed With Grand Music myself this week.
Oh, I'm glad to hear that Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary is a favourite of yours, Claire! I'm really looking forward to it. I shall be very interested to hear your views on To Bed With Grand Music as well.
Ditto on Miss Buncle's book--it's hysterically funny. I'll be reading They Were Sisters for the next few days, and then I received the two new ones today, so I've got a bunch to choose from.
I haven't read any of these, so I'll look forward to hearing about whichever you choose. My wishlist will be growing this week, I'm afraid...
Katherine: yes, I've been reading some more of Miss Buncle's Book tonight after getting back from the library, and am finding it very funny! I hope you enjoy They Were Sisters. The only Whipple I've read so far is Someone At A Distance, which was excellent. I really want to read another of hers soon.
JoAnn: I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts on these once I've read them. I'll definitely get through Miss Buncle's Book, and I'll probably move on to To Bed With Grand Music next. Can't wait! My wish list is going to grow a lot this week too!
Definitely go by the first few chapters...the rest of the book will not let you down:) Enjoy!
You're right! I've been reading a few more chapters in bed before going to sleep, and I have to say I'm having to force myself now to put the book down as I'm enjoying it so much!
I'm reading Lady rose and loving it. Looking forward to reading your review.
Oh good! I'm really looking forward to reading it at last.
Sounds like an excellent selection. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Thanks. I am excited about sharing them!
What a lovely blog- especially the pictures of V and A
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