Monday 1 March 2010

Of Getting Back to Business

February, as you can plainly see, was a bit of a black hole where my blog was concerned! March has arrived now, and rather than being 'in like a lion, out like a lamb', as the old saying has it, we have been enjoying a beautifully spring-like, blue-skied day here in Oxford. No post today, but rather a promise that I will be resuming normal service from now on...

Until tomorrow! And let's hope with Sir W (in his 1601 essay 'Of Estimation and Reputation') that for a few days at least, we continue to see the sun

'dispersing his Rayes ouer the world'.


skirmishofwit said...

Looking forward to it! Glad you're back :)

Merenia said...

Oh good, can't wait for more.

Sophie said...

Thanks, both of you! I really do mean to get back to it properly this time ;)